Friday, July 23, 2010

And the results are in!

AND THEY ARE AWESOME!!! No tumors have grown. Again some have shrunk and others are stable. Meds are still working. I'm telling you I was so worried about the results. It never gets any easier. So I just continue taking the medicine and hope and pray it keeps working. Right now Im scheduled to have scans again on September 16th. That is if the company that makes the meds doesn't ask me to have them early again. I'm feeling good, and couldn't be doing better! I'm super excited and am so blessed to have such an awesome support system. Life couldn't be going any better. ;-D

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wating Waiting Waiting....

Okay, scans are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the long wait until Thursday for results!!!

It's that time again!!

Yep, scan and results time AGAIN! I've gotta go here in about an hour to start getting prepped for my scans. The scans wouldn't be so dang bad if I didn't have to drink that NASTY barium. Man, that stuff is gross! So I got scans today and results will be Thursday. I see the doctor at 9am on Thursday. I'm always nervouse as heck when it's results time, but this time I'm really scared! I'm so scared to get bad news. I'm scared they are going to say the meds aren't working anymore and the tumors are growing again. My worst fear!! I try my best to stay positive, but sometimes it's really hard. Mom, Jamie and Brayden are with me this trip. David stayed back to work. He came with me the last trip. Jamie and Brayden are having fun swimming right now while me and mom rest before heading up to the hospital. I'm super excited about tomorrow. We got tickets to the Barnum and Bailey Circus that is at Reliant Stadium. Being from such a small town all we've ever been to are the little rinky dinky ones. I'm so excited to be able to take Brayden. If you go an 1.5 before show time you can go back and see all the animals. So of course were going!! I just hope Brayden does okay with the animals. Ever since his dog attack he's been really stand offish around any animals. So we all really excited about tomorrow. I'm hoping it will help put my mind at ease for a little while. As soon as I get results Thursday I will for sure let everyone know.